Combining the well-known E.A.R.L.Y. Robotics program, created by NASA, that introduces 7 to 10 year-old boys and girls to engineering, with the new and expanded LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 cross-curricular STEM curriculum, is certain to provide a hands-on solution that develops a strong understanding of the basic fundamentals of building and mechanical principles while engaging students by providing the resources to design, build and program their creations. The combination of E.A.R.L.Y. and EV3 can help develop creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and communication. Students build robots and realistic motorized models from LEGO® kits in a team-building atmosphere. Teams select pilots to operate the robot motors using basic on/off switches and manipulate through given obstacles and challenges to help complete missions. The EV3 system is a compact and powerful programmable computer that makes it possible to control motors and collect sensor feedback using the intuitive icon-based programming and data logging software.
Programming is done by dragging and dropping icons into a line to form commands allowing students to build simple programs, and then easily and intuitively build on their skills until they are developing complex algorithms.
Students with previous Robotiks experience will have the opportunity to be challenged with curriculum designed to take strategies to the next level. Minimum of 6 students for class to make as scheduled. Early (no pun intended) registration is suggested. E.A.R.L.Y. Robotics meets EV3 is designed as a semester long workshop