Wonderseum Reggio Emilia Workshop-
Color Concoctions, Mix, blend, discover!
Age 4
9AM - Noon
A Reggio Emilia inspired curriculum for 4-year-olds
Children must be 4 years old by the start of each session.
Inspired by our present pre-school environment, WONDERSEUM, these workshops reflect Reggio Emilia teaching styles and magically maintain our adapted child-lead curriculum with modified themes, such as clay, collage and cutting, printmaking, nature and more, Children discover and explore new topics presenting hands-on activities to excite and develop their self-led exploration through the arts and science, while squishing, sorting, mixing, swirling, collecting or building.
Wonderseum Mark Making
Sensory Scribbles and Creative Smudges
Engaging the senses and discovering the magic of color in our Color Concoctions workshop, children explore the vibrant world of hues through hands-on activities using foam, paint, water, and other exciting materials. Children experience the joy of mixing and blending colors and creating new shades and textures, while exploring the sensory delights of color.